Are you searching for information on what to do as a passenger injured in a car accident near Orange County, Los Angeles or the Inland Empire in Southern California? What should a passenger do after a car accident? Injured passengers always have a valid personal injury claim in California, with very few exceptions. Generally speaking, a passenger does not have to worry about proving liability. However, the process of filing a successful personal injury claim can be a bit different for a passenger than it would be for a driver.
The most important piece of advice on the subject of what to do as a passenger injured in a car accident is to seek a thorough examination by a trauma physician or doctor within 48 hours of the collision, even if you think you weren’t injured. Why is this important? Many injuries from a car accident take weeks or even months before presenting any symptoms. You may feel relatively ok today, but 3 to 6 weeks from now you could be flat on your back in immense pain, with a long road to recovery.
One example of this is a common neck or back injury, resulting in micro-tears to the discs that pad the vertebrae in your spinal column. It takes weeks and sometimes months for enough fluid to leak out of these discs before your bones start to rub together, impinge your spinal cord and cause immense pain resulting in immobilization. If you don’t see a doctor within 48 hours of the accident in California, the responsible insurance company will decline your otherwise valid personal injury claim stating “you hurt yourself somewhere else and now you’re trying to use the accident as an excuse. You didn’t even see a doctor after the car crash.” Protect your interests. Better safe than sorry. See a doctor within 48 hours.
My name is Rivers Morrell and after more than 40 years of experience as a personal injury attorney based in Irvine and Mission Viejo I understand you have a lot of questions. We can answer all your questions about what to do as a passenger injured in a car accident. If the accident was caused by the driver of another vehicle we will pursue all avenues of recovery in your case. What happens if the driver of the car you were riding in is responsible for the accident in which you were injured? We understand these concerns and the nature of the relationship you may have with the driver of the vehicle in which you were traveling. Recovering for your injuries is an insurance case, and your friend or family member who was driving will have insurance. It’s required here in California.
Our skilled trial attorneys have a proven track record of success in passenger injury cases. We work to preserve underlying personal relationships while working to ensure our clients receive the full and fair compensation they deserve from responsible insurance companies. In most cases, a passenger who is injured in an accident of two or more vehicles will file a claim against every driver associated with the accident. As an injured passenger, it is prudent to seek and write down the insurance information for all drivers when possible.
Should a passenger file a personal injury claim after a car accident even if they are close to the driver who may be primarily responsible for the accident? The simple answer is yes. That is what insurance is for. Should you see a doctor within 48 hours of the collision. Absolutely yes. If you don’t, you may not be able to pursue your valid personal injury claim when symptoms show up down the road.
As a personal injury attorney with more than 40 years of experience I will work to ensure you receive the best possible outcome in your case so that you have the resources to cover all of your expenses as well as fair and just compensation for having to endure your injuries and recovery.
We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and the legal industry as well as our successful verdicts and settlements and contact Rivers Morrell or call today to speak with Rivers personally for a free, substantive consultation at (949) 305-1400.