Were you injured in a DUI car accident in Orange County, the Inland Empire or anywhere in the Los Angeles region? What should you do when you are injured by a drunk driver? What is the process of a personal injury claim after a DUI accident and what can an experienced personal injury attorney do to help you receive the compensation you deserve?
The first and most important thing to know is you must see a doctor within 24 to 48 hours of any motor vehicle accident. The success of any personal injury claim must include evidence to support the relationship of injury and resulting expenses and financial damages to the accident event. If you don’t see a doctor in the hours after you are injured in a DUI car accident the insurance company will use that against you to reduce the amount of your settlement or to reject to your injury claim altogether. “You weren’t injured in the accident. You didn’t even need to see a doctor after the accident, and must have been injured somewhere else. You’re just trying to take advantage of the accident.”
Personal injury claims in California are based upon the rules of “comparative negligence.” The value of California injury claims are directly affected by the relative negligence each party contributed to the accident itself. In a DUI related accident our personal injury attorneys work to prove the highest degree of negligence of any driver under the influence of drugs or alcohol. We investigate all that has happened including evidence from the scene, police reports, witness statements and other sources such as photos or cell phone data. Our experienced trial attorneys are prepared to place your case before a judge or jury to ensure you receive maximum compensation for your injuries.
My name is Rivers Morrell, and after more than 40 years as an accident and injury attorney serving injury victims throughout Orange County, the Inland Empire or anywhere in the Los Angeles region I can tell you that insurance companies handle the claim on your car quickly and effectively, in an attempt to get you to settle for far less where it really counts – the personal injury settlement. It is never prudent to speak with an insurance representative before seeking the advice and counsel of an experienced personal injury attorney from the Law Firm of Rivers J. Morrell.
We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and the legal industry as well as our successful verdicts and settlements and contact Rivers Morrell or call today to speak with Rivers personally for a free, substantive consultation at (949) 305-1400. You know a little more about what should you do when you are injured in a DUI car accident. See a doctor and call us to learn as much as possible about your case and how the process will work.