Transmitting HIV to another person through intimate contact without warning is a civil code violation in California. HIV is an especially dangerous STD as it can substantially and permanently affect your health and can lead to the development of the AIDS virus and other serious and potentially life threatening illnesses. California law requires a person who is HIV positive to notify all potential intimate partners in advance of actual contact that they are a carrier of the disease. When a person of substance transmits HIV or an STD without warning you in advance of sexual contact, you can hold them accountable.
In order to receive the appropriate compensation for your present and future medical costs, lost employment opportunities, the burden of carrying HIV and the impact this will have on your social life, the partner who transmitted the disease must have resources. If the person who knowingly transmitted HIV was a person like a professional athlete, actor, business owner, college professor or even a member of the clergy we can and will hold them responsible and accountable for what has happened to you.
My name is Rivers Morrell, and I have helped injured people for more than 40 years. As an STD attorney I have successfully brought cases on behalf of many clients for many forms of STDs. If you have received an STD such as HIV from a person of substance I invite you to contact me personally for a free, private and confidential consultation at (949)305-1400. We will discuss all that has happened and how we can work together to restore hope. I invite you to review the comments of my previous clients, and learn more about the rights you have under California law.