The Law Firm of Rivers J. Morrell, III wishes everyone a safe and happy 2016! After more than 40 years of experience serving Southern California for accident and injury cases, I have a few recommendations for the coming year:
- Contact your auto insurance agent and ensure that your Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist or UM/UIM coverage is increased to the maximum level permitted under your policy. UM/UIM is some of the least expensive insurance a person can buy, and yet is some of the most practical and useful insurance one can carry. UM/UIM protects you when your car is damaged or you are injured by a person who either has no insurance or carries the state minimum amount of car insurance. The simple value of cars today, and the expense of repairs makes this a sound strategy.
- UM/UIM coverage also provides money to cover the cost of your own injuries including medical expenses and lost wages when the person who caused the accident doesn’t have enough coverage. I see this far too often, and the costs of medical care is far greater than many coverages carried by area drivers.
- UM/UIM also covers you and your family members when you are injured by a hit-and-run driver while outside, or riding a bike or skateboard.
In addition, I would set a new goal for 2016 of turning off or muting your cell phone, and placing it out of reach while you are driving in 2016. The number of “distracted driver” accidents has skyrocketed in recent years, and the cell phone is the primary source of distraction in many accidents.
If you or someone you love is injured in an accident we invite you to call for a free consultation at (949)305-1400. Look into your UM/UIM coverages and consider eliminating cell phone usage while driving in 2016. We only wish for everyone to enjoy a safe and healthy 2016!