My name is Rivers J. Morrell, III and I have been helping victims of STD transmission for and other personal injuries for more than 40 years. We can hold the person who transmitted your STD without advance warning accountable for their actions. It is absolutely possible to prove they gave you the Herpes, HPV or HIV and hold them accountable for not providing advance warning. This isn’t about gold digging. You understand in your heart-of-hearts that you will have to live with this issue for the rest of your life. You will require medical treatment and in many cases professional counseling and support.
While STD transmission victims often feel intimidated and alone there is hope! You are not alone, and contacting me is going to be the first step in moving forward and recovering your confidence and empowerment. How do I know this for sure? Two of my former STD transmission clients made a video to help people just like you. I invite you to take a few moments to watch it, hear their words and learn how they worked through what has happened and regained their personal strength. Standing up for yourself and holding the person who transmits an STD without warning is empowering. We can and will help.