Serving All of California
The Law Firm of Rivers Morrell manages cases throughout the State of California. We are often able to manage cases in other states across the United States. Draw on more than four decades of proven experience and trial success as well as the strong recommendations of former clients and the legal industry alike.
Personal Injury Attorney Serving Mission Viejo, Irvine, Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside Counties
Are you searching for a personal injury attorney serving Mission Viejo, Irvine, Anaheim, Los Angeles and the Inland Empire?
My name is Rivers Morrell, and as a personal injury attorney with more than 40 years of experience in accident and injury cases across Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside Counties I believe my law firm can help you to achieve the best possible outcome in your case.
We represent those who are injured due to someone else’s negligence in car and truck accidents, motorcycle crashes, pedestrian and hit-and-run injuries and any personal injury.
As a personal injury attorney, my firm and I also serve the families of those who are lost in fatal accidents that result in a wrongful death.
Contact Rivers or Call for a Free Consultation Today
(949) 305-1400
If You’ve Been Injured you probably have several important questions:
Do I Have a Case?
How Much is My Case Worth?
Why Do I need an Attorney?
Recent Personal Injury Settlements:
Funeral Home Mishandles Cremation Remains
We recently settled a case for $310,000. The facts were as follows.
Our clients (two daughters) had lost their Dad about 10 years ago. The father and mother had always wanted to be cremated and have both of their ashes spread together at sea, on the day of their joint birthdays (which happened to be the same day, but years apart).
The mother recently passed away, and the clients contacted the funeral home and explained what they wanted. That is, the cremated remains (ashes) were to be delivered to the daughters, and then they would make the arrangements to spread both ashes together at sea.
Unfortunately, the funeral home ignored or forgot the instructions. And on their own, the funeral home spread the ashes of the mother at sea. The two children, our clients, were never informed about what the funeral home had done until well after the ashes had been mishandled.
We attended a pre-litigation mediation, and only $10,000 was offered. After some discovery we attended a Mandatory Settlement Conference (MSC), and no more was offered. The MSC judge did not think the ultimate value of the case was worth 6 figures.
We held our ground, presented strong facts and were able to achieve a settlement of $310,000 on behalf of our client.
What is the First Thing You Need to Do?
Seek medical attention within 24 to 48 hours. Even if you feel ok, it is important to immediately go to the emergency room, urgent care or your own physician within 24 to 48 hours of the accident. Many injuries from car, truck and motorcycle accidents take weeks or even months to fully present in terms of pain or limitation of motion. If you do not seek medical attention in the 48 hours after your accident you may never be able to recover for what has happened to you.
I can’t tell you how many times over 40 years we’ve had to tell someone with serious injuries who should have recovered tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars that they have no claim. Even if you feel ok and think you simply suffered bumps and bruises, please go see a doctor.
Contact Rivers or Call for a Free Consultation Today
(949) 305-1400
Find Out If You Have a Case
Many of our clients initially ask “Do I have a case?“
If you have been injured and another person or entity was responsible in any way you probably have a valid personal injury claim. The fastest way to get an answer to this question is to call and speak with Rivers personally for a free consultation. You can draw on his 40+ years of experience and get answers to all of your questions from one of the most experienced personal injury attorneys in Southern California.
Best of all it won’t cost you anything. There is no cost for the initial consultation and no cost to you out of pocket if we work with you on your case. We work on a contingency fee basis – we are paid out of the settlement or verdict at the end of your case. This means anyone and everyone can have access to the most experienced and proven personal injury attorney to make sure they receive full and fair compensation for all that has happened.
We also invite you to review the comments and recommendations of our clients. It is very common for them to express how much better they feel after that consultation and how much more they know about their situation and the important decisions which they need to make.
Contact Rivers or Call for a Free Consultation Today
(949) 305-1400
Why Do You Need an Attorney?
Insurance adjusters often try to convince people they don’t have any need for an attorney. This simply isn’t true. A recent internal industry study by the Insurance Research Council (IRC) shows payouts were much higher when the injured claimant hired an attorney. The insurance industry’s own study showed injured parties received more than 40% more on average in their settlements than those who weren’t represented by an attorney. The Internal Revenue Service (yes, the IRS) issued their own report which included an amazing statistic:
85% of all settlements paid by insurance companies in the IRS study were paid to injured victims who were represented by attorneys.
This IRS study also showed those who were represented by attorneys were paid three times more on average (300% higher settlements) than the settlements paid to injured claimants who were not represented by an attorney.
Contact Rivers or Call for a Free Consultation Today
(949) 305-1400
A recent car accident injury client put it best:
After my experience, I highly recommend that people do not have conversations with anyone from the insurance company. They ask you questions, then twist everything and use what you say against you, even the smallest detail. They create a false sense of security that unravels at the end. Don’t try to do it on your own.“
We track the initial offers of insurance adjusters in our client’s cases, and without exception the initial offer is always much lower than what the insurance company must ultimately pay.
Why do you need an attorney if you’ve been injured in an accident? Our attorneys hold the insurance companies accountable for full compensation you deserve, leaving our clients with far more resources to cover their expenses while providing the resources required to recover from what has happened and to move forward with their lives.
Contact Rivers or Call for a Free Consultation Today
(949) 305-1400
What Advice Would a Former Seriously Injured Client Offer?
Why do you need to hire the Law Firm of Rivers J. Morrell, III instead of attempting to handle things on your own? We asked a former client, a Marine Corps officer, who was seriously injured while riding his motorcycle to offer his advice on how to hire an attorney and what to expect. Watch Eric’s Video Response
You Should Not Talk to the Insurance Company Adjuster
Insurance company adjusters and representatives are highly trained, highly-skilled negotiators who have one job: Get you to settle as soon as possible for much less than your case is actually worth.
In almost every single case we’ve taken over 40 years, the insurance company’s offer was not only poor, it was often a small percentage of what our client’s deserved and received due to our work. For example, here are 4 actual examples from recent cases:
Original Offer: Amount We Achieved for Our Clients:
$250,000 $1,450,000 – a difference of $1,200,000
$ 25,000 $ 150,000 – a difference of $ 125,000
$ 0 $1,200,000 – a difference of $1,200,000
$100,000 $ 500,000 – a difference of $ 400,000
The other driver’s insurance company (or your own) may try to pressure you into settling for a lesser amount, but you have rights. The quality of your injury attorney will make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.
Do I Have a Case?
There is no cost to you out of pocket to find out if you have a case. The phone call and initial consultation with our attorneys is free. When we accept your case, we work on a contingency fee basis which means there is no cost to you until we have successfully achieved a settlement or verdict in your case. Our contingent fees are deducted from the amount of the results we achieve in your case.
Send us an e-mail or Call (949) 305-1400 for a Free Consultation Today
What is Your Case Worth?
If you have been injured in an accident caused by a negligent driver, you have the right to pursue full compensation for medical care, lost wages and income, and to be fairly compensated for having to endure the experience of the accident and the pain of recovery.
More Than 40 Years Of Experience in Personal Injury
Our attorney, Rivers J. Morrell III, has more than four decades of experience representing clients in trial and settlement negotiations involving personal injury claims and civil litigation. Our experience representing major insurance companies for 20 years provides unique perspective and strategy that helps us to achieve the best possible outcome in your case.
Contact Rivers or Call for a Free Consultation Today
(949) 305-1400
Personal Injury Practice Areas
Motor Vehicle Accidents
The forces in a motor vehicle accident involving a car, truck, motorcycle, bus or public transportation such as OCTA or the METRO are quite powerful, especially head-on and intersection collisions. When you or a loved one are injured in a motor vehicle accident it is important to seek medical attention within 24 hours of the accident – even if you believe you are alright. Injuries can take weeks or months to present, and if you have complications down the road the failure to visit an urgent care or primary physician after an accident can impact your ability to financially recover for those injuries. Passengers in a motor vehicle accident almost always have a claim.
Dog Bite Injuries
There are three to five dog bites reported in Orange County every day. Many dog bite victims are unfortunately children who have stopped to meet a new friend. National statistics show that most victims personally know the owner of the dog who attacked and caused injuries and scarring. In the majority of cases, the dog owner is a family member or close friend. Who pays for injuries when your child or loved one is attacked, bitten and injured by a dog? What should you do in the immediate aftermath of a dog attack, and how are dog bite injuries treated? How often is plastic surgery required to minimize the impact of scarring?
STD Transmission
In California, it is illegal to transmit any Sexually Transmitted Disease or STD such as HIV, herpes, HPV without warning a potential partner in advance of intimate contact. If the person who infected you with an STD is a person of substance such as a business owner, professional athlete, celebrity, actor, wealthy citizen, or even clergy or a college professor we can help you to hold them financially accountable for the careless transmission of an STD. It is possible to prove that a specific person gave you an STD, and hold them accountable. An STD will impact the rest of your life, and you need the medical treatment and support to live with the challenges of an STD and move forward.
Wrongful Death
When an accident victim loses their life due to another’s negligence, California terms it a “wrongful death.” Wrongful death actions hold the responsible party financially accountable for the loss of your loved one.
If you have lost a family member in a fatal car or truck accident, a fatal pedestrian accident or as a result of a drunk driver it is important to seek an experienced and proven attorney.
Learn how our firm is able to lift the responsibility of all communications with insurance and court personnel off your shoulders, so that your family can focus on supporting one another, and grieving this sudden and tragic loss.
Hit and Run Injury
What happens if you are injured in an accident with a hit and run driver? Who pays for injuries for a pedestrian who is seriously injured in a hit and run accident? Many clients are surprised to learn it is their own automobile insurance coverage that pays for hit and run injuries.
The Uninsured Motorist/Under-Insured Motorist or UM/UIM is a source for financial recovery, but many hit and run victims are quite disillusioned by the treatment they receive from their own insurance carrier. We can help you stand up to them and receive the financial recovery you deserve.
Nursing Home Injury, Abuse, Neglect
We entrust our seniors and loved ones to the care of area nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities. We expect them to be well cared for, and that the caregivers will prevent injury and care for their needs.
Unfortunately, California nursing homes average more than 2 patient falls per bed each year. Many of these falls result in needless injury, some quite severe.
In addition, many facilities will over-medicate patients and neglect basic levels of care including regular turning and assistance using the rest room. If you are concerned about nursing home injuries, abuse or neglect our law firm can help.
Slip and Fall Injuries
Slip and fall injuries in public spaces and commercial businesses may result in liability for the business or property owner. There are standards of required maintenance and “store checks” that must be continuously performed throughout the day.
Our firm has successfully helped many who have been injured due to poor conditions, falling merchandise, dangerous unattended conditions and other sources of injury that are legally known as “premises liability” cases.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a public or commercial space we can help.
Serious Injuries
Serious injuries received from a car or commercial truck accident can have long term consequences for those who are injured. If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury, neck or back injuries, or suffered a permanent injury due to someone else’s negligence we can help.
With more than 40 years of experience as a personal injury attorney my law firm and I have the expertise and trial skills necessary to protect your interests. In many cases, a “life care plan” may be required to provide long-term or permanent medical care.
Modifications to your home, vehicles and other supporting medical equipment may be required for the foreseeable future.
Commitment To Client Service And Results
The Law Firm of Rivers J. Morrell, III, is committed to providing exceptional client service to achieve the best possible results. Our attorney provides individualized attention, personally working with every client and remaining accessible by telephone nearly round-the-clock.
We have been recognized with the ” Avvo Clients’ Choice Award – and rank 5/5 in their customer’s user experience and ratings of our firm. This award is based upon the experiences of our clients, and consistent ratings of excellence from those clients and peers on an independent legal source.
We are highly-respected by our peers, opposing attorneys and satisfied clients for our extensive experience and our dedication to meeting our clients’ needs. When necessary, we will work with other attorneys and independent specialists and experts to obtain a successful outcome for our clients.
Call an Experienced Orange County, LA and Riverside County Injury Attorney for a Free Consultation
Contact us or call to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney for a free consultation at (949) 305-1400.
Phones are answered after business hours and on weekends. If you are unable to reach us, leave a message and our attorney will promptly return your call. Evening and weekend hours are available upon request. If appropriate, we will come to you.