Are you wondering who pays for dog bite injuries in Mission Viejo and throughout Southern California if you, your child or a loved one is attacked by a dog? Dog bite injuries are covered by the pet owner’s homeowners or renters insurance. In California, pet owners are “strictly liable” for the actions of the pet. This applies in almost every situation which results in a dog bite with injuries. Dog bite injuries are quite severe. They are not “clean” cuts but more puncture and tearing wounds. This unfortunately leads to two major challenges: infection and scarring.
Infection is actually one of the most significant risks in a dog bite which pierces the skin. The old saying “there is no place cleaner than a dog’s mouth” or “a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a humans” are simply untrue. Pasteurellosis is a serious infection which will spread from dog bite and puncture wounds into the surrounding skin, ligaments and tendons, muscle and even nearby bone. Staph and strep infections are quite common and this is the case with dog bite injuries as well. A more rare infection, Capnocytophagia, is a serious infection which spreads quickly throughout the body. It quickly develops into a form of sepsis which can debilitate major organs and in a small percentage of cases death.
Scarring is the result of the uneven tears and rough edges associated with a dog bite. Scarring is quite common in dog bite injuries and may require multiple plastic surgeries to correct, especially for children.
My name is Rivers Morrell and after more than 40 years of experience as a personal injury attorney I can help you to understand who pays for dog bite injuries in Mission Viejo or Southern California and how to ensure you are able to recover for having to endure the injuries and associated medical costs of a dog bite. Most dog bite victims know the owner of the dog quite well, and we are sensitive to and work to preserve the underlying relationships between the parties. This is about insurance, not suing someone you know or love.
I invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact us or call (949)305-1400 for a free consultation. The owner of the dog is the primary answer to the question “Who pays for dog bite injuries in Mission Viejo and throughout Southern California.”