Nursing home neglect and abuse in Anaheim is not only a sign of serious concern for the family of the patient, it is against the law here in California. Nursing homes are required to provide specific levels of staffing and care under the law. Unfortunately, the majority of these homes are regularly cited by the state for failing to meet minimum standards. If you are concerned about your loved one’s physical and emotional care, you may very well have valid personal injury claim.
There are several important signs of nursing home neglect and abuse you should be watching for such as:
Overmedication / Sedation – Over-medication and sedation is often a strategy designed to allow nursing home staff to make fewer trips into each room to check on and care for the patient. You are right to be cautious about any changes or increases in medication such as sedatives and anti-psychotic medications which are often a strong symptom of neglect and abuse.
Dehydration – the failure to provide adequate supplies of water and other sources of fluids is neglect and abuse on the part of the nursing home. Look for signs of dehydration such as headaches, dry sunken eyes with little or no tearing, mouth dryness and thick saliva, deep yellow urine or difficulty with urination. Additional symptoms can include lower blood pressure, severe cramps, and increased pulse and respiratory rates.
Bruising / Use of Restraints – Another sign of nursing home neglect or abuse can include lacerations or bruising due to the use of restraints. Look for these signs around the wrists, waist or ankles of your loved one if you suspect abuse or neglect. Patients are usually restrained to keep them from getting out of bed to seek assistance or to simply go to the bathroom. When they are forced to get out of bed unattended, senior patients and those who are residents of a nursing home or extended care facility will often fall resulting in serious injury including head trauma and a broken hip or pelvis and other fractures.
We entrust our loved ones to the care of facilities who are held to high legal standards. If you are concerned about an injury due to a fall or nursing home neglect and abuse in Anaheim or anywhere in Orange County, Los Angeles or the Inland Empire we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and the legal industry as well as our successful verdicts and settlements and contact Rivers Morrell or call today to speak with Rivers personally for a free, substantive consultation at (949) 305-1400. Our seniors deserve to be safely cared for and this is why nursing home neglect and abuse in Anaheim should result in a civil lawsuit.