Why do you need an attorney for a soft tissue injury after a car accident? Many people who are involved in car accidents here in Mission Viejo and Irvine and across Orange County every month believe they have avoided injury in the immediate aftermath of the accident. They feel bruised and shaken up, but there seem to be no apparent injuries or broken bones. This is unfortunately not actually the case. Many injuries sustained in a car accident can take weeks or even months before presenting symptoms. This is why it is important to seek a thorough medical examination within 24 to 48 hours of any motor vehicle accident, even if you think you aren’t injured.
The soft tissues of the back and neck are especially susceptible to the forces involved in a motor vehicle collision. The neck, torso and head are forcefully thrashed back and forth in many directions in the micro-seconds associated with an accident. This results in damage to the muscles, ligaments, tendons and discs associated with the neck and back.
“Whiplash” is a soft tissue injury which has undeservedly developed a poor reputation over the past few decades. Unfortunately, whiplash victims after a car accident may actually continue to suffer for years after the accident. While initial symptoms may not be evident for many days or even weeks, whiplash cases usually appear to be healed within several weeks. However, chronic pain, headaches and ultimately arthritis develop and continue to be experienced by many patients who suffer whiplash injury in a car accident.
Why do you need an attorney for a soft tissue injury after a car accident? Another example is disc herniations. The vertebrae of your neck and spine are separated by small, fluid filled pads known as discs. The violent forces of an accident often result in small micro-tears in these discs known as “herniations.” While there may be no immediate symptoms, over the next few weeks or even months fluid seeps out of the disc as the body moves and ultimately the patient is bedridden with extensive pain.
Soft tissue injuries cause patients to miss time at work and involve severe pain and discomfort. Insurance companies try to convince you to accept very low settlement offers based upon light medical bills and your apparent rapid healing. This flatly misrepresents their obligations to you as an injured claimant and you need an attorney for a soft tissue injury after a car accident.
Rivers Morrell has more than 40 years of experience in these cases and will work to achieve the best possible outcome in your case. We invite you to review the recommendations of former clients and the legal industry and contact us or call 949-305-1400 for a free consultation. Learn why you need an attorney for a soft tissue injury and how we will get a much better result than you can on your own.