A car slammed into an ice cream shop yesterday, and the crash seriously injures 3 in Irvine. Two teenagers were standing at the counter inside of the ice cream shop when a woman in her 20’s driving a Hyundai Sonata crashed through the front glass window, coming to a rest against the counter inside the store. The two teenagers were seriously injured and were immediately transported to Children’s Hospital of Orange County. The driver, who also suffered injuries was taken to Orange County Global Medical Center in Santa Ana.
The injured teenagers absolutely have a claim against the driver of the vehicle. There may very well be other sources of liability, as a car should never crash through the front of a store in a strip mall. The severity of their injuries may result in permanent changes in their lives, resulting in the need for a “life care plan.” A life care plan provides for all of the medical care the injured victims will require in the months and years to come, as well as modifications to their home and vehicles such as ramps and special equipment.
These cases are quite legally complex, and when a crash seriously injures teenagers in Irvine the families should look for an attorney with deep expertise, trial experience and a track record of success with insurance companies. My name is Rivers Morrell, and after more than 40 years as an injury attorney here in Orange County I can tell you that not all injury attorneys are alike, and these families are going to need serious legal help to stand up to the insurance companies and hold all parties financially accountable.
If you or someone you love suffers injury in a car accident such as when a crash seriously injures 3 in Irvine yesterday, I invite you to call my office and speak with me personally for a free and substantive consultation at (949)305-1400. Our thoughts are with the families of those injured in this horrific accident.