Anyone who owns a dog should maximize renters or homeowner’s insurance coverage for dog bites. Pet dogs can sometimes be unpredictable and unfortunately for many, they sometimes lash out and bite innocent victims. Dog bite injuries can require serious medical care and attention, and may even require you to miss time off work to rehabilitate and recuperate from injury. Luckily for victims of dog bites, in California most homeowners’ insurance policies will provide coverage for injuries sustained due to a dog bite. The injury does not even have to occur within the home that has coverage; typically, as long as the dog’s owner has homeowner’s insurance coverage, there will be coverage for these dog bites.
If there is renters or homeowner’s insurance coverage for dog bites, you may get compensated for all damages you sustained as a result of being bitten and injured by the dog. This can include all of your medical expenses, lost income from missing work, expenses for future medical treatment (which may include physical therapy, scar revision therapy, etc.), pain and suffering, and other damages as well. Without an experienced attorney to assist you with your claims, you may not receive any compensation for your entire claim, because insurance companies will try to give you the lowest value for your claims.
An experienced attorney will handle your claim from beginning and end and deal with the stressful insurance companies for you. An experienced attorney will negotiate with them, in order to get the best value for your claims. Additionally, they will ensure that you get the best medical treatment for your injuries, and if needed, direct you to medical providers that can work on a lien basis so it is nothing out of pocket for your treatments.
If you or anyone you know has been injured from a dog bite, please contact the Law Firm of Rivers Morrell for a free consultation at (949)305-1400 to learn how 40+ years of experience can make a difference in your case. The consultation is totally free, well worth your time without any risk!