Are you searching for an experienced Irvine car accident attorney? Irvine is one of the biggest cities in Orange County and is growing even bigger with new developments and housing tracts being built. This population increase and influx of drivers has contributed to an increase in the number of drivers, and car accidents that occur in or about the city limits.
Also contributing to this is the fact that many major freeways such as the 405 and 5 and 73 traverse through the city, and many commuters must go through the city on their daily commutes. Unfortunately, there are many car accidents and truck collisions which occur as a result, and injured victims should contact experienced Irvine car accident lawyer Rivers Morrell. With a local Irvine office and more than 40 years of experience, Rivers Morrell is highly recommended by former clients and the legal industry.
When most people get into a car accident, they are usually in shock and unsure what they should do. The insurance claims process is very complex and difficult to navigate alone. As a result, many people begin to search for local attorneys to assist them with their personal injury claims. However, they are unsure of what qualities they should look for when trying to find an attorney.
When searching for experienced Irvine car accident attorney or a car accident lawyer near Irvine to represent you, one of the first things you should look for is their experience in and out of the courtroom. Unfortunately these days, many personal injury attorneys have little to no trial and litigation experience, and focus solely on settling cases before a lawsuit is even filed. Although in some instances settling a case early can be beneficial, it is important to have an attorney that is prepared to file a formal lawsuit and actually litigate your case (and even take it to trial) if necessary. At the Law Firm of Rivers J. Morrell, our experienced attorneys have many successful jury trials and verdicts under their belt, and years of experience litigating personal injury cases successfully.
Another important thing to look for when selecting an experienced Irvine car accident attorney is their attention to your case and accessibility. The number one state bar complaint against attorney’s is their failure to respond to their client. A good attorney is an advocate for their clients and will always be accessible and responsive to their client’s questions. At the Law Firm of Rivers Morrell, because we are highly selective in the cases we take, we give the utmost attention to each and every case that we have in the firm.
Watch the videos of our recent clients where they are specifically asked “would you recommend the Law Firm of Rivers Morrell or Rivers personally?” Listen to the way they describe the responsiveness of Rivers and everyone at the firm.
Rivers Morrell will take your case and handle it directly, personally. If you have been involved in a car accident, motorcycle accident, or pedestrian involved accident, we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and the legal industry as well as our successful verdicts and settlements and contact Rivers Morrell or call today to speak with Rivers personally for a free, substantive consultation at (949) 305-1400.