Over the past few years there have been an influx of people moving from Orange County and Los Angeles County into the cities of Riverside County including Corona, Murrieta, and Temecula. Many people find the home prices more affordable in Riverside, so they move for home ownership. Many of these homeowners are also dog owners. Due to the high percentage of dog ownership, there has been a correlating high number of dog bites in Riverside County and especially in these cities with population growth.
Fortunately, injuries caused by a dog are typically covered by the dog owner’s homeowner insurance policy. Most homeowner insurance policies (and even some renter’s insurance policies) provide coverage for damages caused by dog bites including: medical expenses, lost income from missing work, expenses for future medical treatment (which may include physical therapy, scar revision therapy, etc.), pain and suffering, and other damages as well.
Without an experienced attorney to assist you with your claims, you may not receive the full value of your claims. Insurance companies prey on people that make claims without an attorney, and their main goal is to give you the lowest value for your claims. Accordingly, it is important to speak to an attorney as soon as possible for your claims.
An experienced dog bite attorney will handle your claim from beginning and end and deal with the stressful insurance companies for you. An experienced attorney will negotiate with them, in order to get the best value for your claims. Additionally, they will ensure that you get the best medical treatment for your injuries, and if needed, direct you to medical providers that can work on a lien basis so it is nothing out of pocket for your treatments.
If you or anyone close to you has been the victim of dog bites in Riverside County contact the Law Firm of Rivers Morrell for a free consultation at (949)305-1400. Our firm has handled countless dog bite cases with positive results!