Serving All of California
The Law Firm of Rivers Morrell manages cases throughout the State of California. We are often able to manage cases in other states across the United States. Draw on more than four decades of proven experience and trial success as well as the strong recommendations of former clients and the legal industry alike.
Dog Bite Scar Treatment

Have you suffered from dog bites scarring and plastic surgery in Mission Viejo, Irvine or Orange County? We invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and contact us or call 949-305-1400 for a free consultation today.
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What Should You Do if you are Injured by a Dog Bite?
Plastic Surgery for Dog Bite Scars Usually Requires More than One Procedure
Subsequent plastic surgeries and procedures to restore a natural appearance and reduce scarring are initiated several weeks to months after the initial injury. A quantitative analysis of each scar should be performed and extensive documentation is necessary for insurance and legal proceedings. Each scar should be carefully examined and noted including the length, width, orientation and physical impact of the scar itself. The Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS) is often used to assess “scar vascularity, height/thickness, pliability and pigmentation.” Any deviation from “normal” scarring is noted to include pathological hypertrophic/keloid scarring. Issues of pain and itching (pruritis) should be recorded as well.
The Psychological Impact of Scarring
More than 50% of the children who have experienced a violent dog bite or attack episode will experience Posttraumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD which usually onsets within 2 to 9 months of the initial attack. Symptoms of PTSD are often characterized by withdrawal, sleep disorders, impaired performance at school, and anxiety. This is especially true for victims with facial injury. In cases that involve facial scarring, a “re-mirroring” process will be developed by the treating physicians and/or therapists. Patients will need to re-establish the positive internal associations and feedback, known as “mirroring”, that occurs during ordinary childhood development. The self-image of the patient is often destroyed by the attack and resulting scarring, and the “re-mirroring” process incorporates reassurance by the medical team, counselors, family, siblings, peers after each phase in the treatment plan. This process can require extensive therapy over a period of years.or Call for a Free, Private and Confidential Consultation Today