What Are Some of the Most Common Injuries Which Result from a Fall in a Nursing Home

What are some of the most common injuries which result from a fall in a nursing home?  When is a nursing home or assisted care facility responsible and accountable when a patient fall results in injury?  Injuries at assisted care facilities and nursing homes are a significant challenge in Anaheim, Orange...

A Fall in a Nursing Home can Result in Serious Injuries

A fall in a nursing home can result in serious injuries and they should never happen in most cases.  Many Californians are surprised to learn about the substantial number of falls resulting in injury in Orange County skilled nursing facilities and nursing homes.  You would expect these places to be...

Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse in Orange County

Nursing home neglect and abuse in Orange County can result in personal injury liability under California law.  What are some of the most important signs of nursing home neglect and abuse?  You and your family should be concerned by: Dehydration – the failure to provide consistent fluids such as water,...

Slip and Fall Injuries in a Nursing Home

Have you or a loved one sustained slip and fall injuries in a nursing home or assisted care facility?  California laws provide extensive protections for patients who are injured in a slip and fall in a nursing home in Anaheim, Mission Viejo and Irvine or anywhere Orange County.  These facilities...

Largest Nursing Home in California Faces a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

The largest nursing home in California faces a wrongful death lawsuit.  Centinela West, the largest owner of nursing homes in California has faced several allegations of injuries resulting from falls, neglect, and abuse in the past.  A recent lawsuit adds "wrongful death" to the list of allegations against the 81...

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