Victims of sexual abuse in their years as a boy scout stand by as the California legislature considers a boy scout sex abuse extension which would raise the maximum age to file a personal injury action from 26 to 40. This important legislation is in response to tens of thousands of allegations of sexual abuse by scout leaders and adult scout volunteers. The Boy Scouts of America have recently admitted to maintaining “perversion files” which list over 5,000 leaders and volunteers who were accused of abuse by former scouts.
Most of the suspected offenders were accused of molesting or sexually abusing multiple boys, and most instances were never reported. New York and New Jersey have recently extended their own statutes of limitations in response to the explosion of new civil actions associated with boy scout sexual abuse.
My name is Rivers Morrell and after more than 40 years of experience as a personal injury attorney here in Southern California I can and will help you to hold those responsible financially accountable for their actions through a civil action.
I understand the private and extremely sensitive issues surrounding these cases. They are very much like the STD transmission cases I have handled for years. Boy Scout sexual abuse victims want and need absolute privacy and confidentiality. They also need to take action for their own progress on empowerment, self-esteem and recovery while the California legislature considers a boy scout sex abuse extension.
Recent lawsuits against the Boy Scouts allege the number of cases of molestation is far above the numbers disclosed in the Scout’s files. In most of these cases, the alleged perpetrator was not even listed in the “perversion files.”
If you endured inappropriate contact or sexual abuse as a boy scout we can and will help you to hold those responsible accountable for what has happened. I invite you to review the strong recommendations of former clients and the legal industry and contact me or call to speak with me personally for a free, confidential and private consultation at 949-305-1400.