Are you searching for information about how to file a civil lawsuit against Grant Robicheaux and Cerissa Riley for sexual assault or rape? Orange County California officials are pursuing criminal charges against Robicheaux and Riley for crimes which go back for several years and involve potentially hundreds of victims. The couple are accused of drugging their victims and luring them from bars or festivals such as “Burning Man.” Investigators in Orange County California have found evidence including photos and videos which indicate there may be hundreds of victims in this case.
Police are pursuing criminal charges against the couple. Many people do not realize it is also possible to file a civil lawsuit against Grant Robicheaux and Cerissa Riley to recover financial damages for what has happened. My name is Rivers Morrell and after more than 40 years of experience in civil lawsuits and injury related cases I can tell you it is absolutely possible to hold these two accountable for what they’ve done.
For many years I’ve been helping victims of crimes related to sex to hold their perpetrators financially accountable for what they’ve done and to send a message of punishment and determent. Civil lawsuits for sexual assault, sexual abuse, rape, statutory rape and STD transmission help our clients to seek justice and recover costs and obtain just and fair financial compensation for:
- Being forced to endure the truama, shock and physical impact of a sexually related crime or act
- Costs associated with trauma treatment, therapy, counseling and other expenses
If you would like to learn more about how and why to file a civil lawsuit against Grant Robicheaux and Cerissa Riley I invite you to review the strong recommendations of former clients and the legal industry and contact the Los Angeles and Orange County California Law Firm of Rivers Morrell or call 949-305-1400 for a free, private and confidential consultation. Learn how taking action has helped many others who felt hopeless, ashamed or powerless to regain their sense of well-being, empowerment and confidence and obtain the resources which help them to move forward productively with their lives.