Are you searching for information about dealing with insurance after an injury in a car accident? The first thing most people need to do after a serious motor-vehicle accident is to get medical attention and treatment for their injuries.
See a Doctor within 48 Hours – Even If You Think You Aren’t Injured
You need to see a trauma doctor within 24 to 48 hours of any vehicle accident, even if you think you are uninjured. The fact is many injuries can take a few weeks or even months to begin showing symptoms. If you do not see a doctor within 24 to 48 hours of an accident you may lose the ability to file an otherwise valid personal injury claim.
You Need to Speak With an Attorney Before You Talk to any Insurance Representative
Once a person has been involved in an accident and start to get medical bills for their injuries and repair bills for their vehicle, they turn to the at-fault party’s insurance company, or even their own insurance company, to make a claim for damages. Additionally, if they have under-insured or uninsured motorist coverage, their own insurance may compensate them for their bodily injury as well.
However, most people have the incorrect assumption that these insurance companies will help them during the claims process. Most people are unaware that the insurance company’s primary objective is to pay the minimal amount possible on these claims!
Dealing with insurance after an injury in a car accident is a job for your personal injury attorney at the Law Firm of Rivers Morrell. It is the insurance company’s primary objective to maximize profits, and they can only do this by paying the lowest settlement amount for their claims. I have routinely seen insurance adjusters low-ball claimants, and even deny claims, in hopes that people will not seek legal representation to pursue their claims.
You need to speak with an attorney at the Law Firm of Rivers Morrell before you talk to any insurance representative. Insurance adjusters and agents are highly trained. They know how to ask seemingly harmless questions such as “how do you feel?” The answer most people of good will might give is “I’m ok.” This is the type of response which could be twisted in meaning against your best interests. Anything you say to an insurance representative can and will be used against you in any subsequent personal injury claim. It is best simply not to speak with them.
For this reason, before dealing with insurance after an injury in a car accident it is essential for you to consult with and retain an experienced injury attorney to help you file a claim against the insurance company, and even a lawsuit if necessary to best protect your interests. Insurance companies thrive off taking advantage of people who have no idea of their legal rights, how the process works and the true value of their claims. We invite you to protect your own interests, review the strong recommendations of our clients and the legal industry as well as our successful verdicts and settlements and contact Rivers Morrell or call today to speak with Rivers personally for a free, substantive consultation at (949) 305-1400.