Drug Resistant Strain of Gonorrhea May Become a New STD Transmission Threat

A new global strain of Gonorrhea may become a new STD transmission threat for residents of Orange County and Los Angeles.  The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have been warning of developments regarding this strain.  The so-called "Super Gonorrhea" may become completely resistant to antibiotics and the CDC is concerned...

If You Receive HIV Without Advance Warning from a Celebrity or Person of Means You Can Hold Them Responsible

The recent case of Charlie Sheen is still fresh in everyone's mind.  It still surprises me that celebrities and people of substance fail to understand the responsibility they carry when they enter a new physical relationship after learning of their own HIV infection.  California law requires anyone with HIV, or...

Transmitting HIV to Another Person Without Warning Is a Civil Code Violation in California

Transmitting HIV to another person through intimate contact without warning is a civil code violation in California.  HIV is an especially dangerous STD as it can substantially and permanently affect your health and can lead to the development of the AIDS virus and other serious and potentially life threatening illnesses. ...

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