Experienced Dog Bite Attorney for Los Angeles

Los Angeles is the most populated city in California, so it is not surprise that it is the city that records the most dog bites and injuries to people from dot bites.  If you have been the victim of a dog bite, it is important to know your rights and legal options on how to proceed, and how to pay for your medical bills and treatment.  You need an experienced dog bite attorney for Los Angeles who can work to maximize your financial recovery for injuries and associated medical expenses and lost wages.

Unfortunately, most victims of dog bites actually know the dog’s owners. The dog’s owners are usually family members, friends, or neighbors. As a result of this, many people are hesitant to pursue an insurance claim for their injuries sustained from the dog bite. Many people feel that if they make a claim against someone they know, it is a personal attack on them. However, this is not the case. More often than not, there is insurance coverage for injuries sustained as a result of a dog bite. An insurance claim can cover the costs of medical bills, pain and suffering, lost income, and other damages sustained as a result of a dog bite. It is unfair to make the victim of a dog bite attack have to pay out of pocket for these expenses, when they are sustained as a result of another person’s dog. Most homeowner’s insurance policies will provide coverage for dog bites. Therefore, most claims can be made against the homeowner’s insurance policy as opposed to against the individual dog owner themselves.

Severe dog bite injuries can require extensive medical treatment, including emergency room visits, follow ups, therapy, and scar revision medical treatments. Sometimes, people even require therapists to deal with the psychological issues and anxiety caused by a dog attack. If you have been the victim of a dog attack, you should not be required to have to pay out of pocket for these treatments. Making a claim against the dog owner’s insurance can help to cover these expenses.

If you or anyone you know has been the victim of a dog bite, you need to contact the experienced dog bite attorney for Los Angeles – Rivers Morrell.  We invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and contact us for a free consultation at (949)305-1400 to discuss your injuries and claims. The call is absolutely risk free and we can discuss your legal options and remedies in privacy and confidence.

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